Breastfeeding Does Get Easier: Here’s When

Mother breastfeeding baby while sitting on a bed

Breastfeeding is a magical experience and can be very instinctual, but that does not mean it is without challenges. While breastfeeding is a natural process, many women want to know when it will get easier. During those early postpartum days with my newborn, I doubted myself and wondered many times when breastfeeding would get easier.

There are many stages of breastfeeding, so let’s talk about when you can expect it to become a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

When Does Breastfeeding Get Easier?

Breastfeeding generally gets easier around 3 months as babies improve latching and sucking, leading to shorter, more efficient nursing sessions and a stronger bond. More milestones along the way contribute to increased comfort-ability as breastfeeding becomes gradually easier.

The Early Days - Navigating the Learning Curve

In the beginning, breastfeeding can be a learning curve for both you and your baby. The initial days are crucial for establishing a good latch and building a strong milk supply.

One of the most common breastfeeding challenges mothers face in the first weeks is sore nipples. As the baby learns to latch correctly, the nipples may become tender, cracked, or even painful. This discomfort is often temporary as both the mother and baby are still adjusting to the breastfeeding process.

It's crucial for mothers to seek support from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist during this period to ensure a proper latch and positioning, as well as to learn techniques to manage and alleviate nipple soreness. With patience and proper care, this challenge can be overcome, leading to a more comfortable and rewarding breastfeeding experience for both mother and baby.

Understanding this challenge, the solution, and that you are not alone can give you the confidence needed in order to continue breastfeeding. Seek support from professionals and friends, and don’t give up! Soon you’ll start noticing improvements.

Around 4-6 Weeks - Finding Your Rhythm

Around the one-month mark, you might start to notice a positive shift in your breastfeeding journey. By now, you and your baby have likely established a good latch, and your milk supply has been regulated. Many mothers find that breastfeeding becomes more comfortable during this period.

Your baby's feeding schedule might become more predictable, and you'll gain confidence in knowing when they're hungry or full. The newfound sense of rhythm between you and your little one can make breastfeeding a more enjoyable experience.

The 3-Month Milestone - Greater Comfort and Confidence

As your baby grows and develops, their nursing skills become more refined, making breastfeeding more efficient and less challenging. You may find that any initial soreness or discomfort has significantly reduced. You'll have a better understanding of your baby's feeding cues, which leads to increased confidence in your ability to nourish and care for them.

Around this time, babies may begin to nurse more efficiently and quickly due to improved coordination and sucking skills. By this stage, babies have developed stronger jaw and tongue muscles, making latching easier and more effective. As they become more familiar with the breastfeeding process, they tend to show fewer signs of frustration during feedings, leading to smoother and shorter nursing sessions. Additionally, the establishment of a solid milk supply and a deeper bond with the mother can contribute to a more seamless breastfeeding experience.

This period is often a turning point for many breastfeeding mothers, where they feel a stronger connection with their baby during nursing sessions and see the improvements that have occurred along the way.

6 Months and Beyond - Mastering the Art

As you and your baby reach the six-month mark, you'll likely find that breastfeeding has become a seamless part of your daily routine. By this time, you have overcome any initial hurdles and have established a strong bond with your baby through nursing.

Breastfeeding continues to be a valuable source of nutrition and comfort for your baby. By this stage, babies have developed better head control and motor skills, making nursing more convenient and interactive. Breast milk remains a vital part of their diet, providing essential nutrients and antibodies for optimal growth and immune system support. Introducing solid foods around this time, while continuing to breastfeed, helps in the transition to complementary feeding.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding alongside appropriate solid foods until at least 2 years of age or beyond. The nutritional and emotional benefits of breastfeeding extend throughout this period, creating a solid foundation for your child's well-being.

My Experience With Breastfeeding

While the timeline shown above can give you a good idea of how breastfeeding will progress, it’s important to note that it will vary for all mothers. For me, breastfeeding was very challenging in the early days. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was still in pain from giving birth which led to frustration and doubt.

However, I persisted in trying to breastfeed because I knew it was the best option for my baby. I relied heavily on the help of nurses and Lactation Consultants while in the hospital and my husband when we got home. As I healed, nursing became less painful, and as my daughter got more comfortable, so did I.

I remember my cousin advising me to “just take it one feeding at a time”, and sometimes I even had to take it one boob at a time. I would take a deep breath and use each side as an opportunity to start fresh. There were even times when, before switching sides, I took a few deep breaths and a minute or so to regain composure.

Toward the end of the first month, I felt breastfeeding getting easier, more comfortable, and more manageable which helped my confidence to know that we could keep doing this. There were still tough feedings but with each good feed, breastfeeding felt more natural.

After two months, I had the confidence to nurse my baby outside of our normal rocking chair. A comfortable rocker is SO important since you’ll likely be spending a lot of time in it. For me, this milestone was really the point that I could look back on and say that breastfeeding became “easier”.


The journey of breastfeeding is unique to each mother and baby duo. While it might be challenging in the beginning, rest assured that it does get easier with time, patience, and perseverance. Seek support from your loved ones, join local breastfeeding support groups, and don't hesitate to consult a lactation specialist if needed.

Remember, you are providing your child with the best start in life by nourishing them through breastfeeding. Embrace the ups and downs of this beautiful journey, cherish the bonding moments with your little one, and celebrate every milestone along the way.

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Author, Founder @ Latch Luxe

Stefanie Statler

Stefanie Statler is an author and the founder of Latch Luxe, with a loving husband and daughter. She is a dedicated advocate for breastfeeding mothers and understands the challenges and joys of motherhood firsthand. Email me at

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